Are you a home mover looking for a new mortgage?

What you need to know.

What is a home mover mortgage?

If you are looking to moving home or are in the process of doing so, you may require a home mover mortgage. Moving house is a perfect opportunity to reconsider your current mortgage and look for a better deal, whether you are looking to move to a different location or step up the property ladder.

A home mover mortgage the same as standard mortgage. It’s simply the process of getting a new mortgage when you moving house so the mortgage is suitable for the house you’re moving into. Getting the perfect mortgage is crucial as you will need to ensure it is still affordable whilst suiting your changing needs.

Try our monthly repayment calculator.

If you’re buying for the first time, you could be unsure as to what a monthly mortgage payment should look like – use our calculator to get a rough estimate.
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The process.

How does a home mover mortgage work?


Home mover mortgages are usually for people who are moving up the property ladder and looking for a bigger home, and as a result are also looking to increase the size of their loan amount.


Some mortgages are ‘portable’, which means you can take your existing mortgage to your new home, others are not, requiring you to look for another option when moving home.


You might also find that your current loan provider won’t allow you to borrow the additional funds needed for you to move home.

Frequently Asked Questions

Mortgages and protection can be confusing, see the most commonly asked questions and answers, to put your mind at rest.

Why life insurance is so important when you're a parent.

It goes without saying that raising children can be expensive, so your income, or that of another household member, is often the only way to pay for the everyday costs that come with looking after a child.

If you or someone you rely on were to pass away, it would take its toll financially, in addition to the emotional stress. Life insurance is one way to have a safety net in place.

Why life insurance is so important when you're moving home.

If you have life insurance, it’s a good idea to regularly review the cover to make sure it’s right for you and your current circumstances.

When you sign up for a policy, the extent of cover – how long it lasts, and how much it would pay out – is based on your financial situation and commitments at that time.

But these can change. Your life insurance policy needs to change as well to ensure your family is fully protected if the worst happens to you or your partner, so when moving home it’s important your cover still meets your needs.

Why life insurance is so important when taking out a new mortgage.

Mortgage life insurance can be used to help your loved ones pay off your mortgage if you die. 

This type of life insurance is often sold as a decreasing-term policy so, as you gradually pay off your mortgage, your pay-out reduces over time. A mortgage life insurance claim typically pays out as a lump sum.

It’s designed to protect your loved ones if you die before your mortgage has been paid off. It will provide them with a lump sum so they can clear the mortgage debt and have one less financial burden at an already difficult time.